Career ready: A how-to guide to landing the perfect job

2 minutes


Career ready


In this day and age, the job market is extremely competitive. Everyone needs a job, but there aren’t enough to go around. Even though hundreds of people are applying for jobs, only the select few who really put themselves out there are chosen. That’s why being career-ready is so important. The more prepared you are, the more desirable you’ll be to employers. 

You may be wondering, “How on earth can I compete with these people? They have so much more to offer.”

Well, it’s quite simple, actually. 

First, I will teach you how to build the perfect resume by introducing you to hard and soft skills and showing you how to word your job experience description. 

Then, we will jump over to Handshake and build ourselves a platform for employers to see your accomplishments and experiences, making you more marketable. 

Once you find the job you want to apply for, I will prepare you for that by showing you how to choose your references and specify your resume for the job. 

I’ll walk you through writing an appealing cover letter, and once you get an interview, we’ll prep!

Fret not! I am going to help you pull out your strengths and open your eyes to your career goals. By following this series, you will be the best candidate for the job, all while staying true to yourself. 

Stick around to join me on this journey of career readiness by learning how to craft the perfect resume. 


Nancy Beckley, ASU Student Life