Power Tips

Power Tips

Don’t let the new school year approach you unprepared, sign up for summer school courses today and balance out your school schedule for the year.

June 20, 2024 | Power tips
From Sun Devil Shelf Life to the Arizona State University Digital Backpack, ASU has a wide array of interesting and engaging resources for students to enjoy.

May 23, 2024 | Power tips
If you want to stand out in a pile of impressive resumes, start building your portfolio website ASAP!

May 20, 2024 | Power tips
Starting your resume and transitioning from a student to a professional in the workforce is a daunting reality, fortunately, ASU is here with a resource guide tailored to helping students get an early start and put their best foot forward.

April 3, 2024 | Power tips
ASU grad Jordyn Chamizo used the Starbucks College Achievement Plan to earn her degree and pursue her dream of helping fight for marginalized communities.

December 15, 2022 | Power tips
Arizona heat robs us of most summer pride celebrations, simply because it's too hot to safely participate in large, outdoor activities like a parade. So where do we go to celebrate Pride?

August 21, 2022 | Power tips